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My life's mission is to guide you into the real knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven.


"And this is life eternal (heaven), that they might know thee the only true God (Yahweh), and Jesus (Yeshua) the Christ (the anointed one) whom thou has sent."

- Gospel of John, Chapter 17:3


Since knowing anything means putting your awareness on the thing to be known, this means that to know God, and Jesus Christ is no different than putting your attention on each, individually, within.


My personal meditation practice, The Primal Meditation is the direct path to the fullest Revelation of Jesus Christ by which I can honestly and humbly claim:


  1. I am within The Father.

  2. The Father is within Me.

  3. i and The Father are One.

  4. Yet, The Father is Greater than i.


Truly, Truly:


"No man has seen the Father," yet I am not 'just' a man, but the Light of Awareness within this man, and thus, I do see God the Father in my present moment as clear as day, and this has been true for me ever since I received my anointing from God in late 2022.


Later in July of 2023, I witnessed this truth:


"When two or more are gathered in my name (YHWH), I am there."
(Remember, Jesus came not in his own name, but in his Father's name.)


This is when I witnessed the spirit of Jesus Christ within 3 men at once, and this spirit was identical in each man and shaped as a man!


Thus, I have both seen God and seen Christ!


Join me in these practices, and you will soon see!


(Freely taught on Saturday's live, or buy the in depth paid version herein.)

Preparation - The Gnostic Choice.png

My life's mission is to ensure that we live in The Kingdom of Heaven.

If you wish to join me, simply subscribe to my newsletter for updates.

(You will receive access to The Primal Choice Meditation tutorial.)

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Copywrite 2023 Michael Smith

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