Paid Coaching Session
$160 / hour - 1:1 coaching - Satisfaction Guaranteed (Or Full Refund)
Service Description
160 / hour
Cancellation Policy
All deposits are non-refundable, even if you change your mind.* Please send an ETA (estimated time of arrival) upon heading to my in-home studio. This lets me know - that you know - that I know - that you know, that we have an appointment and now we both know that you will be attending. NOTE: If you choose to not send an ETA (estimated time of arrival) I will not know if you know that our appointment is scheduled, nor will I check with you to confirm; because you are an adult, and I trust you to be an adult and remember your own priorities. Please, think ahead and arrive on time. CAUTION: For those of you who do not send an ETA, if you think or know that you will be late, please text or call so that I know that you are still coming, because if you are not here on time, or within 15 minutes of our appointed time slot, your appointment may be canceled for: "failure to give proper notice". "Proper Notice," is defined in terms of contacting me as soon as you think, know or believe that you might be behind schedule, something came up, you cannot make it, or you need to reschedule. For cancellations and rescheduling, proper notice is defined to be at least 24 hours in advance; or at that absolute latest, the night before; however, on the appointed day, proper notice is defined as "before you get here," or "in route". Warning #1: If you fail to show up to your appointment or consultation (without Proper Notice*) your deposit will be void, and/or you will be required to pay an additional $50 for wasting your first opportunity to keep your word. Warning #2: If you fail to admit fault, and/or refuse to pay the penalties as described in #1, you will be banned from this business and all of its ongoing Locticians, henceforth; forever. This can be waved at any point you are ready to pay the appropriate penalties, and promptly submit a personal testimonial of your apology, kindly asking me to help you once again. At that point, if I see that your apology is genuine & sincere, I will reconsider accepting you as a client, but with a higher deposit requirement. Under no other circumstance will I reconsider accepting you, ever. Warning #3: Please respect me, my property, my dog, and anyone working with me as we continue to respect you; a failure to do so will result in the termination of all services. This is my promise & the only guarantee I offer: I will stay true to My Word. Thank you for understanding. God Bless You. 💚🙏🙌 PS: There are options for email & text reminders, so there is absolutely no excuse for failure to give proper notice or ETA.
Contact Details
+ 1 9198799591
888 Jack Rd. Clayton NC, 27520 USA