Instant Dreadlocks
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How many months do you want to wait for beautiful dreadlocks?
Do you really want to use chemicals, wax, or gels if they are not needed?
At Dr. Lockstar we use all natural methods in order to create the look and feel of mature dreadlocks without the use of any products. It does not matter what kind of hair you have, because so long as you have enough hair, you can have beautiful dreadlocks from day one!
Initial Considerations:
Aside from determining how much $$$ you are willing to invest in the creation and maintenance of your potential dreadlocks, you have a variety of options to choose from depending on the look and style of your preference. These options include:
Huge, large, medium or small?
Uniform, or tapered shafts?
Blunt, or whispy tips?
"Rugged," or "Manicured"?
Extensions, or Natural?
Huge, Large, Medium or Small?
Most people have a preference as to how their ideal set of dreadlocks will inevitably look. Maybe that's you? Consider this:
As a reference, huge dreads are greater than or equal to 1/2 inch, large dreads are 3/4 of an inch, medium dreads are 3/8ths of an inch and small dreads are 1/4th of an inch. Yet, while you may dream of a full head of tiny locks, that is unrealistic for most people, because every extra dread adds more time and money into the creation and maintenance process.
So, while you are considering which route you wish to take, please understand that more dreads = more time and money in the short and long-term. On average, a set of medium-large dreads only takes about 2 hours to maintain every 4-6 weeks for maximum neatness, while a full head of small dreads may take 3-5 hours due to there being almost twice as many dreads!
Of course, the density of your hair follicles will play a major roll in determining whether or not the medium or smaller option will fit into your budget or not. Ultimately, it is up to you, so long as you know in advance the commitment you are walking into.
Uniform, or Tapered Shafts?
Typically, whenever I install dreadlocks, I aim for a uniform shaft. That means that I purposively make sure that the dread will grow into the exact size that the length of the dread exhibits. So, if I give you a 3/8ths of an inch dreadlock, you can trust that your roots, when properly maintained, will become a 3/8ths of an inch dread, not something bigger or smaller, but the exact same size.
Depending on your hair thickness, density, and previous hair care, your length could be reduced by 40-60%! Yet, whenever I install tapered dreadlocks, the roots start off at the exact size that the dread will grow into, while the length of the dread will gradually get smaller and smaller, resulting in only a 10-30% loss of length!
This is a great alternative for anyone that wishes to preserve his or her hair length, but it can take 25-50% longer to prep and crochet! That means it costs more to receive tapered dreads, and there is no telling if it will cost 25%, 50% or anywhere in between until the service concludes.
Blunt, or Whispy Tips?
Honestly, some people look great with one and horrible with the other. It is a personal preference, but do take into account that it adds 1-2 minutes onto the overall service for every dreadlock that needs to be blunted. Typically, I recommend that clients get them blunted later on, after a few months has passed in order to give the dreads time to settle into themselves, but it is totally up to you.
"Rugged," or "Manicured"?
The "rugged" look is for anyone that does not want to start out with "picture perfect" dreadlocks. These are crocheted just enough to remain uniform and/or tapered, without coming undone due to washing or regular handling. These dreads are not as dense or stiff as the manicured dreads, and due to that factor, they may mature in odd ways if left untended. Yet, this really depends on your hair's makeup and lifestyle as a whole, but you are basically gambling with the results unless you've had dreadlocks before and know how they will behave unattended.
Rugged dreadlocks are similar to freeform dreadlocks in the sense that they will be allowed to mature more naturally - with time and patience. Yet, you will be starting off with perfectly even and symmetrical parts, and may still receive occasional maintenance - depending on your preference and ability to nurture them holistically.
Again, it's a gamble. I went that route the first time I had dreadlocks, and I was displeased with the results of wishful thinking.
Alternatively, the "manicured" look is for anyone that wants to have those "picture perfect" dreadlocks from day one, and this is by far where all of my dreadlock expertise revolves. These dreads will keep their shape almost in spite of you. They are dense, solid, and may remain stiff for a few days or up to a week after installation. They tend to relax and soften up a little after the first wash.
Extensions, or Natural?
At last! The final factor to bring into consideration revolves around whether or not you will get dreadlock extensions, or go all natural?
Again, it is a personal preference, but time and time again, I have seen people get the extensions, only to be unprepared for the commitment! This is a long and short-term commitment because that hair has weight, both on your head and in your pockets!
Likewise, by skipping the journey, you will miss out on all of the awkward stages that make having longer dreadlocks MORE THAN just a hairstyle.
In my opinion, to have natural dreadlocks is to experience the journey of going through uncertainty, dealing with critics, and overcoming your insecurities in order to become the person you have always wanted to be. And while there is a lot of that in the realm of having dreadlocks in general, when you go straight to 100%, I tend to see people undervalue their dreadlocks as a whole, only to cut them off soon after.
The problem is that these people only see dreadlocks as a hairstyle, rather than as a commitment to a lifestyle of overcoming adversity!
Thus, my sincerest recommendation is to bite the bullet, face your fears, and get the dreads of your dreams at the beginning of the journey while your hair is still short. Sure, you may lose some length and look awkward to those narcissistic assholes, but who are you doing this for? Are you trying to impress Mr. and Mrs. Nobody, or are you striving to embody the person you have always wanted to be?!
You decide.
(BUT if you want to pay me to give you the most realistic extensions imaginable, you can read about my process HERE. Just don't cut them off when you get in a life funk. Figure it out and overcome it!)
I hope you found this introduction into my top considerations for getting Instant Dreadlocks appealing, or at least helpful in regards to giving you some appropriate food for thought.
In this next section, I'm going to cover some of my most common and basic questions in regards to starting new dreadlocks.
Feel free to contact me in the submission form below if you have a question that remains unanswered, or go ahead and book your free consultation HERE.
How much is this going to cost you?
That depends on how comfortable you are with half of your head dreaded while you wait in between sessions.
Typically, I charge A LOT more for larger sessions that get the service done sooner and a moderate amount if it is stretched out over many days, but in either case, the actual price of any given service is based upon the number of consecutive hours, not the estimate.
As you will soon see, I give free estimates for every potential client so that he or she may bring an approximate amount of cash to the sessions. However, I'm not a fortune teller and sometimes there are unforeseen factors that can cause the service to be longer OR shorter than anticipated.
For instance, I am always striving to sharpen my skills, quicken my pace, and improve the quality of the work I do. When that happens, a service usually ends sooner than expected.
How much hair do you need to start?
Ideally, you will need at least 3" for small dreads and 4-6" for medium or large dreads. There are exceptions in some rare cases, but it is best to have an in-person consultation just to make sure. And while I do offer digital consultations, they are primarily for long distance clients.
How much will your hair shorten?
Well, that depends on if you get tapered dreadlocks or uniform dreadlocks as well as your previous hair care.
A tapered dread is the exact thickness that the dread will mature into at the base, yet gradually gets thinner as it approaches the tip. Obviously, this adds more time into the crocheting process since the overall area that needs to be crocheted will be longer.
A uniform dread is my standard dreadlock. Unless you say differently, I am going to assume you want uniform dreads. These dreads will be the exact same thickness at the base and tip of each dreadlock shaft.
So, to answer your question, on average a person will lose 40-60% of the starting length in the dreadlocking process of creating uniform dreadlocks and only a 10-30% loss in the process of creating tapered dreadlocks.
That percentage might be more or less for you, depending on if your hair was previously cut in layers. Layering thins out the hair as it gets further from the scalp, resulting in a higher reduction of length in both situations!
Yet, we will not know for sure until we start.
In Summary:
My mission is to give you the dreadlocks of your dreams!
Before you show up for instant dreadlocks:
#1. Make sure your hair is clean, dry and residue FREE.
When hair is too oily, it causes my tools to slip on the hair. This results in a LONGER session than if you were to show up with clean hair/dreads. Likewise, in preparation for your session, give up using any hair product or conditioner that puts oils on your scalp or into your hair before the session.
All natural or organic is not the holy grail when it comes to preparing for new dreadlocks or encouraging the maturity of instant dreadlocks. Definitely stay away from Dr. Bronner's. It's nice stuff, but it leaves begins thick residue hair. So, avoid it!
Here are some affordable options that I know will remove the residues for most people:
#1. Palmolive Dish Detergent
African Black Soap
Dreadhead HQ Dread Soap
Trader Joe's Tea Tree Shampoo (in moderation)
Vinegar & Baking Soda
Rubbing Alcohol (dangerous, do not use in-doors)
Ideally, an in-person consultation is the best way to get to know each other and determine if I am the best loctician for you. And while I strive to make my estimates as accurate as I can, I am only human and they are only estimates!
Thus, if you would like to get started without any delay, you may book your consultation online, but all appointments will require a deposit before your service or the sessions will be placed on the calendar.
You can find more information about that on the prices page, HERE.
I look forward to meeting you soon!