When we talk about repairs, we are discussing anything unusual in the ideal dreadlock experience. This includes, but is not limited to:
Wix Dreadlocks, Loops, kinks, knots, twists, inter-locking, thinning, bulking, super thin dreads, really long roots, dread combining and dreadlock removal.
In relation to all of these issues, I have a solution for each one and it does not require any chemicals or products, but it does require a lot of patience and skill in order to fix each one correctly.
Due to the intricacy of these repair sessions, I cannot give an accurate estimate for most situations, but I will give an estimate for any in person consultation. The only exception is for the people with really long new growth, because that can be accurately approximated.
As for the price, these sessions are usually priced per hour on a session by session basis.
This is one Wix Locs Example.
His locks had grown together into one, and I split them apart as well as made some new ones.
More are available on Instagram.
IMPORTANT: Make sure your dreads are CLEAN.
Dirty dreads are difficult dreads.
They are are difficult to work with, because whenever the hair is too oily, the tool slips and struggles to grip the hair. Not only is this more challenging for me, but it will cost you more, because it takes longer to do the same amount of work.
So, do not use conditioners or any kind of hair product that puts oils into/on your dreads!
All natural or organic is not the holy grail when it comes to caring for your dreadlocks if it leaves a residue on the the dreads.
Watch out for this!
Oily dreads take longer to dry and they attract dust and fuzzies like the plague. Here are some affordable options that I know will get the job done for most people:
#1. Palmolive Dish Soap
African Black Soap
Dreadhead HQ Dread Soap
Trader Joe's Tea Tree Shampoo
Vinegar & Baking Soda