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![Great first time extreme repair session with Derrick 😜
All Natural.
No Products.
100% “Crocheted”
W/ The Noble Hook Method [ which uses a crochet hook, but is not a crocheting method or technique commonly taught ].
Lessons are available through the website.
The secret is in the Skillz 😜
#knowthyself #iamthatiam #yougetwhatyougive #beforeandafter #thelight #iamthelight #raleigh #raleighnc #raleighhairstylist #raleighdurham #raleighlocs #clayton #northcarolina #eastcoast #loctician #dreadlocks #ncloctician #locs #naturallocks #crochetlocs #crochet #crochethairstyles #naturallocs](https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/274125773_1165765887556013_1127994291984050252_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_tt6&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=i01WPoWLQiQQ7kNvgH4Vxql&_nc_oc=Adhqu5-r6ppXDmlute62E3elNJAyRmsMm3FEoxQ9b-ELuqdh0YUaAJr5HUnJVtr4rDg&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&_nc_gid=An8bw31-HkF42yl5FOGHerc&oh=00_AYDM2R1u7ypd9Eft71_Z3GxjboJramBH5Q5ifDgHQdPlkQ&oe=67B66485)
![Great first time extreme repair session with Derrick 😜
All Natural.
No Products.
100% “Crocheted”
W/ The Noble Hook Method [ which uses a crochet hook, but is not a crocheting method or technique commonly taught ].
Lessons are available through the website.
The secret is in the Skillz 😜
#knowthyself #iamthatiam #yougetwhatyougive #beforeandafter #thelight #iamthelight #raleigh #raleighnc #raleighhairstylist #raleighdurham #raleighlocs #clayton #northcarolina #eastcoast #loctician #dreadlocks #ncloctician #locs #naturallocks #crochetlocs #crochet #crochethairstyles #naturallocs](https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/274125773_1165765887556013_1127994291984050252_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_tt6&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=i01WPoWLQiQQ7kNvgH4Vxql&_nc_oc=Adhqu5-r6ppXDmlute62E3elNJAyRmsMm3FEoxQ9b-ELuqdh0YUaAJr5HUnJVtr4rDg&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&_nc_gid=An8bw31-HkF42yl5FOGHerc&oh=00_AYDM2R1u7ypd9Eft71_Z3GxjboJramBH5Q5ifDgHQdPlkQ&oe=67B66485)

The Lockstar Way
Perfectly, "Crocheted"
Select a service below:
"When I first started seeing Michael as my loctician I was new to locks and also had extensions. Needless to say the person that installed them didn't do a very good job. Michael redid the extensions making sure they looked natural and tight and reassuring me that my dread journey didn't have to be "dreadful". I always get compliments on my dreads! I would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking to start dreads or anyone that needs maintenance." (Original Review + More)
Jami Britt
"Ok so let me start by saying I requested the Dr. to travel to me so he could do them in the comfort of my home. I didn't want any distractions as I had an important event to attend to as soon as he was done. He agreed without hesitation. I offered to pay drive time back and forth up front as a deposit. I honestly sent him the money not sure if I was going to receive services. I was just nervous he wouldn't show up. I just sent this guy over $100 and I didn't know him... (Rest of Review + More
Christopher Ballard
"I am lucky to have found Michael. He takes his time on my dreadlocks and does excellent work. He has a very calm demeanor and takes pride in what he does, never seeming anxious or impatient. He is also way more affordable than the local hair salons. My locks are completely natural now with no hair-tearing twists, gels or wax, which I am really excited about. Michael is familiar with Caucasian locks as well which many salons here are not. His interlocking methods have been amazing and I appreciate the time he takes in teaching me how to follow the steps and care for my hair on my own. He has also been willing to come to my house and is flexible with scheduling, which has been so helpful. High recommendation!" (Original Review + More)
Pete Smith
"I'm very picky about who does my hair, and when I saw some of his work on Facebook I decided to give him a shot. I can honestly say I was completely blown away by the work he does on my dreads. I would recommend him in a heartbeat. He is a good guy who has a lot to offer the world. He took his time and did my hair there right way, the way he would have done his own. So next time you need your dreads some there is only one person you need to see... Dr. Lockstar!!" (Original Review + More)
Deshawn Jones
"Dr. worked wonders on my dreadies! I was beyond pleased with the final result and I've been getting compliments on them ever since! Thank you so so much! You're truly talented and a pleasure to get to know :D" (Original Review + More)
Heather Dawn Grassi

12pm - 6pm